
【博多ひのきクリニック】輸入小児用A型+B型肝炎ワクチンTwinrix Juniorの取り扱い開始

輸入小児用A型+B型肝炎ワクチンTwinrix Juniorの取り扱い開始

のTwinrix Juniorを取り扱っております。

2回法はTwinrixを、3および4回法はTwinrix Juniorを使用します。



The immunogenicity of TWINRIX (720/20) has been investigated using a 0 and 6 month vaccination schedule in randomised clinical studies involving 451 subjects aged 1 to 15 years old.

Specific humoral antibodies (seropositivity) against HAV were elicited in:

99.1% of vaccinees one month after the first dose
100% of vaccinees one month after the second dose.

Seroprotective levels of anti-HBs antibodies (titers ≥10 IU/L) were elicited in:

37.4% of vaccinees one month after the first dose
70.5% of vaccinees 6 months after the first dose
98.2% of vaccinees one month after the second dose.


The immunogenicity of TWINRIX Junior (360/10) has been investigated using a 0, 1 and 6 month vaccination schedule in randomised clinical studies involving 168 children: 54 subjects aged 1 to 6 years and 114 subjects aged 6 to 15 years.

Specific humoral antibodies (seropositivity) against HAV were elicited in:

100% of vaccinees one month after the second dose
100% of vaccinees one month after the third dose.

Seroprotective levels of anti-HBs antibodies (titers ≥10 IU/L) were elicited in:

86.2% to 94.6% of vaccinees one month after the second dose
100% of vaccinees one month after the third dose.

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